Adult Contemporary
Adult Contemporary

Adult Contemporary

Contemporary dance school in Madrid

Contemporary dance classes for adults and teenagers.

What is worked on in Contemporary Dance and what is it?


The contemporary, a modern dance whose main characteristic is not having a limit in its creativity and movements. In this style of dance, the breath is used to achieve choreographies with great creativity, it is a discipline that requires strength throughout the entire body, since it is not an aerial dance.


In contemporary dance classes, the perfect expression that comes from classical ballet and incorporating modern movements is worked on, giving rise to innovation and allowing the dancer to exploit all of her creativity.


Depending on each teacher you can learn one method or another, among the best known is the Graham method and the Limo.


The students perform two annual shows in the theater in a professional environment, where the choreographies learned in the course are performed. 



Awarded for Professional Excellence.

European gold medal for merit to work.


Morning Shift-Contemporary
1stZeroTue-Thu12:30 to 13:30
1stZeroSat9:30 to 11:00
2ndMediumWed12:30 a 14:00
2ndMediumFrid9:30 to 11:00
3rdIntermediateMon-Wed-Sat12:30 to 14:00

Afternoon Shift-Contemporary
2ndMediumMon - Wed17:30 to 18:30
3rdIntermediateTuesday20:30 to 22:00



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